Our Team

Ms. Hiba Alaa Aldin Maani
The Owner
She obtained her Bachelor Degree in the Legal and Islamic Sharia fields from United Arab Emirates University in 1999. She obtained her Masters Degree of International Business from Paris – Sorbbone University – Abu Dhabi and holds a certificate of an international arbitrator.

Mr. Mohammed Mohamed Elmasry
Lawyer and Legal Consultant
He obtained his Bachelor Degree in the Legal fields from Mansoura University in 1994.

Mr. Moataz Ibrahim Elsakka
Lawyer and Legal Consultant
He obtained his Bachelor Degree in the Legal fields from Mansoura University in 1999.

Mr. Sherif Muhammad Ahmed
Legal Translator
He obtained his Bachelor Degree in simultaneous interpretation from Al-Azhar in 2010

Mr. Abdalla Moawad Fahmi Ibrahim
Public Relations Officer
Providing all private information related to the Federal & Local Courts All over the UAE
Organizing the Meetings and communicating with the Clients.